What is an Abalone

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Their taxonomy puts them in the family Haliotidae, which contains only one genus, Haliotis, which once contained six subgenera.

 These subgenera have become alternate representations of Haliotis. The numbe

of species recognized worldwide ranges between 30 and 130 with over 230 

species-level taxa described. The most comprehensive treatment of the family 

considers 56 species valid, with 18 additional subspecies. 

The shells of abalones What is an Abalone.

have a low, open spiral structure, and are characterized by several open

respiratory pores in a row near the shell’s outer edge. 

The thick inner layer of the What is an Abalone, What are abalones

 shell is composed of nacre (mother-of-pearl), which in many species is

 highly iridescent, giving rise to a range of strong, changeable colors which make

 the shells attractive to humans as decorative objects, jewelry, and as a source of

 colorful mother-of-pearl. So What is an Abalone. What are abalones.

The flesh of abalones is widely considered to be a desirable food, and is consumed

 raw or cooked by a variety of cultures. What are abalones,

Abalone (ab-ah-LOW-nee) is a large marine gastropod mollusk. The large sea snail

 is most often found in the cold waters of New Zealand, Australia, South Africa,

 Japan, and the west coast of North America. It has extremely rich, flavorful, 

and What are abalones, What is an Abalone highly prized meat that is considered

 a culinary delicacy. Among the world’s most abalone vs whelk

 expensive seafood, abalone is often sold live in the shell, frozen, or canned. 

It is often cut into thick steaks and pan-fried though it can be eaten raw or added

 to other dishes. What is an Abalone, What are abalones henceforth.

Abalone (/ˈæbəln/ via Spanish abulón, from Rumsen aulón) is a common

 name for any of a group of small to very large marine gastropod molluscs in

 the family Haliotidae.[4] Other common names are ear shellssea ears, and,

 rarely, muttonfish or muttonshells in parts of Australia, ormer in the

 UKperlemoen in South Africa, and the Maori name for three species in New

 Zealand is pāua.[5] Abalones are marine snails, abalone vs whelk.

Abalone vary in size from 20 mm (0.8 in) (Haliotis pulcherrima) to 200 mm (8 in)

 while Haliotis rufescens is the largest of the genus at 12 in (30 cm).

The shell of abalones is convexabalone price rounded to oval in shape, 

and may be highly abalone vs whelk, What is an Abalone.

 arched or very flattened. The shell of the majority of species has a small,

 flat spire and two to three whorls. Plus How to Cook Abalone.

The last whorl, known as the body whorl, What is an Abalone.

 is auriform, meaning that the shell resembles an ear, 

giving rise to the common abalone price. What are abalones name “ear shell”. 

Haliotis asinina has a somewhat different shape, as it is more abalone vs whelk.

 elongated and distended. The shell of Haliotis cracherodii cracherodii is also

 unusual as it has an ovate form, is imperforate, shows an exserted spire, and has

 prickly ribs. How to Cook Abalone & What is an Abalone. Abalone price.

mantle cleft in the shell impresses a groove in the shell, in which are the row of

 holes characteristic of the genus. These holes are respiratory apertures for

 venting water from the gills and for releasing sperm and eggs into the water

 column.[10] They make up what is known as the selenizone, which forms as the

 shell grows. This series of eight to 38 holes is near the anterior margin. 

Only a small number is generally open. The older holes are gradually sealed up as

 the shell grows and new holes form. Each species has a typical number of open

 holes, between four and 10, in the selenizone. Therefore What are abalones

An abalone has no operculum. Abalone vs whelk, 

What is an Abalone. What are abalones

The popularity of abalone led to overfishing and nearly brought the shellfish to

 extinction. Both white and black abalone that live abalone price

off the California coast are on

 the endangered species list and it is illegal to gather wild abalone from the

 oceans in many parts of the world. Due to careful management practices and

 strict harvesting regulations, wild abalone populations are making a comeback.

 Farmed abalone is increasingly available, abalone vs whelk.

 Due to regulations and the fact that the abalone requires special preparation


 before eating, it is expensive. Abalone in the shell needs to be carefully pried out

 and the meat tenderized. People who eat the shellfish say that the cost and work

 involved are worth it; the meat is simultaneously sweet, salty, and buttery.

The aperture of the shell is very wide and nacreous. What are abalones

The exterior of the shell is striated and dull. The color of the shell is very variable

 from species to species, which may reflect the animal’s diet.

 The iridescent nacre that lines the inside of the shell varies in color from silvery

 white, to pink, red and green-red to deep blue, green to purple.

The animal has fimbriated head lobes and side lobes that are fimbriated

 and cirrated. The abalone price. How to Cook Abalone.

radula has small median teeth, and the lateral teeth are single

 and beam-like. They have about 70 uncini, with denticulated hooks, the first four

 very large. The rounded foot is very large in comparison to most molluscs. 

The soft body is coiled around the columellar muscle, and its insertion, instead of

 being on the columella, is on the middle of the inner wall of the shell. 

The gills are symmetrical and both well developed.  abalone vs whelk.

These snails cling solidly with their broad, muscular foot to rocky surfaces

 at sublittoral depths, although some species such as Haliotis cracherodii used to

 be common in the intertidal zone. Abalones reach maturity at a relatively small

 size. Their fecundity is high and increases with their size, laying from 10,000 to 11

 million eggs at a time. The spermatozoa are filiform and pointed at one end, and

 the anterior end is a rounded head. What is an Abalone, abalone vs whelk

The adults provide no further assistance to the larvae and they are described

 as lecithotrophic. The adults are herbivorous and feed with What is an Abalone

 their rhipidoglossan radula on macroalgae, preferring red or brown algae.

Abalone price worldwide

How to Cook Abalone

To prepare abalone, it must be shucked, cleaned, and tenderized or the meat will have a rubbery texture. 

The abalone attaches to its shell with a solid round muscle at the bottom. To gently release the meat from the shell, 

a wide, flat, wooden spatula works well. It is sometimes soaked, blanched, or frozen prior to shelling. 

The viscera (guts), black edges, and tough outer skin is then removed. All parts are edible, but eating these trimmed

 pieces is a matter of taste and careful preparation so they’re often discarded. What are abalones, What is an Abalone.

The cleaned abalone meat needs to be tenderized, often by pounding it whole or as thick-cut steaks; it can also be done

 with long, slow cooking methods. The delicate flesh will pick up the flavor of other foods it’s cooked with, so seasoning is

 generally light. Treated carefully as a delicacy, abalone is often gently and quickly fried in a pan, though it may be

 steamed or poached. It is also eaten raw, particularly in Japanese sashimi. Abalone vs whelk.

Abalone vs Whelk

Also a gastropod, whelk is from the Buccindae family. It is considerably cheaper than abalone. Whelk is primarily an

 Atlantic Ocean sea snail with a spiral shell and it’s most common in European cuisines. It’s smaller than abalone, doesn’t

 require as much preparation, and often cooked and served in the shell. How to Cook Abalone.

The taste is similar to clams and it can easily become too chewy when overcooked. Abalone vs whelk.



There are around 100 species of abalone worldwide. About 15 species are grown in aquaculture settings and North

 America is home to about nine species. Black, pink, pinto, red, and white abalone are the most common.


Abalone Recipes

Abalone is often treated in a very delicate way that showcases the shellfish’s esteemed meat. Gourmet dishes will often

 simply fry steaks, sometimes in butter and with mushrooms, while one favorite California dish breads it before cooking.

 It’s very common to see abalone in upscale versions of Southeast Asian restaurant dishes, including raw as sashimi or

 tartare, as part of a baked seafood medley platter, or as a topping for soup and porridge. Abalone price.

  • Pan-Fried Abalone
  • Japanese Baked Dynamite
  • Korean Vegetable Porridge (Yachae Jook)

Where to Buy Abalone

In many parts of the world, it is illegal to harvest or sell wild abalone. The laws vary greatly and it’s important to check

 the rules and regulations where you live if you plan on diving for abalone. Even commercial fishers are often restricted in

 how many wild abalones they can gather in a certain period of time. Farming abalone has become common in areas

 where this special mollusk lives. It’s a convenient way to find sustainably raised abalone, just be sure to buy it from a

 reputable supplier. Fresh abalone can often be shipped overnight. What is an Abalone, abalone price.


Whole abalone is commonly sold by weight. It’s important to remember that the shell is heavy; consider that you’ll get

 less than half the total weight in meat. When selecting fresh abalone, it should be thick, dark, and have no off smells.

 Shucked, cleaned, and frozen abalone meat is also available and the price is comparable to the whole shellfish because

 of the extra processing required. In either form, abalone is expensive and considered a luxury food. Finding a “deal” on

 this shellfish may mean that it is poor quality or illegally harvested. What are abalones, What is an Abalone.


Though not widely available, canned abalone can be found. Cleaned and cooked, it is convenient and probably one of

 the most expensive canned foods you’ll put in the pantry. Abalone price, How to Cook Abalone.


Storing Abalone

It is preferable that fresh abalone is prepared and eaten the same day as it was caught or purchased. It can be kept alive

 overnight in the refrigerator: Place it in a bowl covered with wet towels. 

Any abalone you won’t eat by the next day should be shucked and cleaned, then frozen. Commercially canned abalone

 may keep for up to five years. What are abalones,

What is an Abalone
What are abalones
abalone vs whelk
abalone price
How to Cook Abalone

What is an Abalone, What are abalones, abalone vs whelk, abalone price, How to Cook Abalone

What is an Abalone, What are abalones
abalone vs whelk, abalone price, How to Cook Abalone

There are lots of names for abalone shell as it can be found all over the world.

The ear-shaped shell of the abalone is also known as Mother-of-Pearl. It makes exquisite and deeply symbolic jewelry.

To learn more about the unique history and meaning of these shells across cultures, and its spiritual properties, read on. We’ll also give advice on how you can wear it and what you can pair with it for maximum impact.

Let’s take a look.

Abalone shells have many names: Haliotis Iris, Paua Shells, Nacre, Mother-of-Pearl, Aulon, and Sea ear to name a few.

It is found in several distinct places and cultures around the world, which explains its many names, coming from several languages.

Whatever you call it, there’s no doubting its beauty. They are also fantastically individual – no two abalone shells are quite the same.

It is an organic gemstone, the same category as amber and pearl. But how and where do these organic gemstones form? What is their symbolic significance, and what spiritual properties do they give when worn?

We are going to explore these questions in turn.

Abalone is a Sea Mollusk

Abalone is a variety of mollusks or sea snails with feet and tentacles. Its ear-shaped shells are made up of microscopic pieces of calcium carbonate, stacked one on top of the other, almost like tiny Lego blocks.

Each of these brick-like layers has a clingy protein material between them. This adds to the exceptional strength of the abalone shell.

Abalone mollusks grow by feeding on seaweed such as kelp. The different varieties of seaweed create different colors in their shell as they grow.

The concentric rings you can see on the outside of an adult abalone shell are evidence of the changes in the seaweed diet of the mollusk.

Abalone mollusks can repair minor damage to their own shells. This might be caused by otters or even humans trying to remove them from rocks.

Perhaps this is where Mother-of-Pearl’s symbolism of strength and healing comes from. Not only exceptionally strong, but the abalone shell is also exceptionally beautiful and deeply symbolic.

Where Are They Found?

There are over a hundred varieties of abalone worldwide. They are generally found in cold, coastal waters such as those of New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, the West of North America, and Japan. In Africa, it is now a $35 million industry.

Those mollusks with vibrant, iridescent shells are the most popular for use in jewelry. Turning these shells to the light can reveal many hues, from turquoise, peacock green and blue to rose pink, purple and gold shimmer.

Abalone shell can vary from a few inches to seven inches in length. This means that jewelry coming from the shells varies in size and shape.

The uses of the abalone might surprise you. It is used as an inspiration for makeup palettes, wedding themes, in tiles and laminates in home decoration.

The iridescent colors and deeply spiritual meaning bring special attributes to the homes decorated with it.

Abalone can form pearls, and these can be made into jewelry. They are exceptionally rare, so it is very lucky to find abalone pearls.

They form in the mother-of-pearl shell, at the edge of the shell or in the gut. Only one in several hundred abalone mollusks will form pearls.

The most common use of the abalone shell is for jewelry and gifts.

One thing is for sure. You shouldn’t wear this original gemstone jewelry without understanding its spiritual significance.

Cultural Significance of the Shell

The shell has special meaning in many cultures and has spiritual properties. Let’s look at the spiritual histories of the abalone shell.

Maori People, New Zealand

The Maori people of New Zealand call abalone Paua. It can be found in the coastal waters off of New Zealand.

Paua shells are usually about five inches and oval-shaped. The Maori people eat the meat of the shell, which is a Maori delicacy. They then use the shell to make jewelry and other special gifts for trading.

The Maori people used this shell in warrior artwork. They would use it as the eyes of these warrior and other demi-God figures.

Contemporary art in New Zealand still incorporates these spiritual shells into their craft.

They believe the shell strengthens the body and the heart of the wearer. With a stronger heart and body, the person is thought to be able to communicate their feelings more clearly.

The Maori believe the Paua will bring connectivity and harmony to relationships.

The way the colors of the shell shift in the light is also a symbol of change and transition in Maori culture.

Perhaps you have had a big life change and found this article for a reason. Abalone jewelry might be the symbol to represent the change, and to protect you in the next phase of your life, as it does for Maori people.

Native American Cultures

In some Native American cultures, the shell of the abalone is to burn sage.

They believe the combined spiritual power of abalone and sage would take their messages to their Gods.

The smoke of the sage is used to cleanse evil spirits. This is used in modern-day cleaners also, which we explore later.

Apache Nation, North America

There is an Apache story that explains the significance of this shell in their ancient culture.

The Apache nation believes there is a connection between the shell and the first woman – known as White Painted Woman. She is also known as Esdzanadehe or Changing Woman. She survives a flood in the shell of an abalone.

As the floodwaters recede, she walks the land. She is impregnated by the sun and has a son. This son becomes the Killer of Enemies, protecting her from evil.

She is later impregnated by the rain and births the Son of Water. At the end of the White Painted woman’s life, she walks east until she finds her young self. The two merge, and in this way, she is born over and over again, through endless generations.

This is why the puberty ceremony for Apache girls – the Sunrise Ceremony, involves the shell of the abalone. It is a symbol of their new womanhood fusing with previous generations of the White Painted Woman.

The shell is a way through which apache girls connect to their spiritual heritage.

They wear the abalone shell on their forehead during the puberty ritual. The abalone power teaches the girls of their spiritual power as women, and their ability to heal, as they ‘become a woman‘.

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