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what does wild ginseng look like | How do you identify wild ginseng

All around the world, the artificial cultivation of ginseng has experienced expansion. Vitamins, & other active components in ginseng are correlated with growth years.

  • Approximately four pounds of green roots will dry to one pound of dried roots.

  • The age of ginseng root must be from 25 to 55 Years Old

  • The neck of ginseng root must be from 1 to 3 inches or longer

  • The average weight of each green ginseng root must be from 5 – 15 plus grams, and each pound of ginseng should contain about 50 to 70 roots

  • Root must be without any damage. With lateral roots attached & with the neck attached. And with deep rings on the body of root.

  • Must contain about 30% bulby round roots.

  • Note: DO NOT wash the green root, once washed they will go bad

  • Approximately four pounds of green roots will dry to one pound of dried roots.

  • The age of ginseng root must be from 45 to 85 Years Old

  • The neck of ginseng root must be from 2 – 5 inches or longer

  • The average weight of each green ginseng root must be 12 – 45 grams or higher, and each pound of ginseng should contain about 10 to 40 roots.

  • Root must be without any damage. With lateral roots attached & with the neck attached. And with deep rings on the body of root.

  • Note: DO NOT wash the green root, once washed they will go bad

what does wild ginseng look like

  • Do not lay them all together as a pile – After removing those yellowish leave and impurities, scattered them loosely in a ventilated place to let it dry.

  • Do not break the neck of ginseng.

  • Try not to damage the lateral roots of the ginseng.

  • Note: The stem and leaves can also be sold at 5-10% of the whole ginseng price. When wild ginseng has a neck more than 3 inches and 100% bulby roots, there will be a 10-30% price increase. (see the picture )

 In China, and USA, the artificial cultivation of ginseng has experienced a major

 expansion. Saponins, vitamins, polysaccharides, and other active components

 contained in ginseng are highly correlated with the growth years

Analysis of the age of Panax ginseng what does wild ginseng look like.

based on telomere length and telomerase activity

Telomeres, which are specialized structures at the physical ends of eukaryotic

 chromosomes that consist of highly conserved, repeated DNA sequences5,6,

 shorten with each round of DNA replication7–10 because DNA polymerases

 cannot completely replicate linear DNA molecules. In gymnosperms, telomere

 length can be used to what does wild ginseng look like.

predict the future replicative capacity of cells11,12. Highly significant correlations

 between telomere length and age have been observed in humans8,13, Australian

 sea lions14, martins and dunlins15 and different stages of barley16.

Therefore, telomere shortening can be used as a marker of cell replication and

 aging. Telomerase activity has been detected in plants using a polymerase chain

 reaction (PCR)-based telomerase repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay17.

 Telomerase appears to be developmentally regulated in plants, which is similar to

 what occurs in humans18. These reports indicate biological correlations between

 telomere length and age. However, what does wild ginseng look like plants

telomeres are maintained by telomerase. Telomere lengths remain stable in

 tomato leaves19, whereas they change cyclically, lengthening and shortening

 with age, in the needles of Pinus longaeva20. After the first plant telomere

sequence was cloned from Arabidopsis21, nearly all plant telomeres were found to

 consist of the heptanucleotide what does wild ginseng look like.

How do you identify wild ginseng

 Storage Of Fresh (Green) Wild Ginseng

  • There are live sprouts (over-wintering sprouts) on the neck of freshly harvested wild ginseng. 

  • There are wrinkles on the surface of the root, also some black dirt marks around the neck and wrinkles. We can tell the age of it by its wrinkles and the neck. 

  • The longer the neck, the more the wrinkle circles, the higher the price.

  • Proper storage of wild ginseng is so important that it can keep its active ingredients, and increase its market value.

  • Do not wash after digging. Shake off some covered dirt, place them in a plastic box as the picture shown. 

  • A good method of keeping the ginseng fresh is to use green moss. 

  • Put a layer of green moss at the bottom of the container, with the green facing up.

  •  Lay the ginseng on top of green moss. And put another layer of green moss, with the green facing down on top of the ginseng. 

  • Close the lid immediately. Then, place the box inside a cooler that is set to 35°F – 38°F. 

  • In this way, it can be preserved fresh for 1 – 2 months without losing weight.

  • Note: Don’t store fresh ginseng in the freezer which is set below 32°F (0°C). Once it’s frozen, it goes bad. 

  • Do not wash after digging. Once the ginseng is wet, you must dry them otherwise the ginseng roots will go bad quickly.

  • Figure 2 | The growth rings in the ginseng root of 1 , 6 years.
  • (A), (B), (C): 1 year ginseng root, 2 year ginseng root, 3 year ginseng root,
    Bar 5 1000 mm; (D), (E), (F): 4 year ginseng root, 5 year ginseng root, 6
    year ginseng root, Bar 5 500 mm.
 Both relative telomere length and TERT expression show promise as diagnostic
 biomarkers since they can be measured in a high-throughput manner by
 applying a variety of informative methods [29][30][31]. These approaches build on
 previous research examining the relationship between telomere lengths and age
 in perennial plants. The goal of this work is to advance our understanding and provide a model for the study of aging and its implications in perennial
 plant species. what does wild ginseng look like.
.The association demonstrated in this study adds to the growing body of
 knowledge regarding the complex relationship between telomere length and
 plant aging. Previous studies in both Ginkgo biloba and Panax ginseng showed a
 pattern of increased telomere length with increased age, suggesting plants do
 not follow the same patterns of telomere shortening as seen in mammals. 
 Work in apple (Malus domestica) and Prunus yedoensis, both members of the
 Rosaceae family like almond, show no change in telomere lengths with increased
 plant age over a five-year timespan [33]. what does wild ginseng look like
.These studies were all performed in annuals or biennials, however, suggesting
 that telomerase activity does in fact decrease with increased plant age in these
 crops. Work in perennials including bristlecone pine, P. ginseng, and G. biloba
 showed an association between telomerase activity and age, suggesting patterns
 unique to perennial plant species [32,34,46]. A study in almond could be
 performed using a wider age range and larger sample size to elucidate the effect
 of age on telomerase activity, similar to what was referenced above for telomere
 length measurements.  what does wild ginseng look like

Ginseng can command a significant price and, as such, may be an excellent

 opportunity for non-timber income on forest lands, which is where some

 enterprising growers plant wild simulated ginseng plants. Interested in growing

 wild simulated ginseng? Read on to find out what wild simulated ginseng is and

 how to grow wild simulated ginseng yourself.  What is Wild Simulated Ginseng?

 Growing ginseng can be divided into two categories: 

wood grown and wild American ginseng root prices field

 grown. Wood grown ginseng can be further divided into ‘wild simulated’ and

 ‘wood cultivated’ ginseng plants. Both are grown in forest soil and planted in

 tilled beds with leaf and bark mulch, but that’s where the similarities end. 

Wild simulated ginseng plants are grown for 9 to 12 years while wood cultivated

 ginseng is only grown for six to nine years. what does wild ginseng look like

The roots of wild simulated ginseng are similar to wild ginseng 

while the roots of wild american ginseng root prices.

 wood cultivated ginseng are of intermediate quality. Wood cultivated ginseng is

 seeded at almost twice the rate of wild simulated and yields much more per acre.

 Field cultivated ginseng is only grown for three to four years with far lesser

 quality of roots in straw mulch and an extremely heavily sown field with a greater

 yield than the previous methods. The cost of production increases and the price

 paid for roots decreases as cultivation moves from wild simulated to field

 cultivated. What does wild ginseng look like therefore.

Wild American ginseng root prices

Wild Ginseng (dried)…$700 to $850 Per LB:

The age of ginseng root must be from 10 to 35 years old

    • The neck of the ginseng root must be from 1 to 3 inches or longer

    • Each pound of ginseng contains about 20-30% of bulby roots.

    • Root must be without any damage. With lateral roots attached & with the neck attached. And with deep rings on the body of root.

    • Picture below shows how the Ginseng roots should look like within this price category:

How to Grow Wild Simulated Ginseng Plants Growing wild simulated ginseng is

 often preferred over field grown production, as it costs the least, yet produces 

the highest valued roots. Maintenance is minimal, wild American ginseng root prices

involving weed removal and slug control using the most rudimentary equipment

 (rakes, pruning shears, mattocks, or shovels). wild American ginseng root prices

 is grown in a forest environment in natural shade provided by the surrounding

 trees. To grow wild simulated ginseng, plant seeds ½ to 1 inch (1-2.5 cm.) deep in

 untilled soil in the fall – untilled so the roots will take on the wayward gnarled

 look of wild ginseng. wild American ginseng root prices Rake back leaves and

 other detritus and plant the seeds by hand, four to five seeds per square foot. 

wild American ginseng root prices Cover the seeds with the removed leaves,

 which will act as mulch. Stratified seed will germinate next spring.

 The whole idea is to allow the ginseng roots to form as naturally as possible, just

 as they would in the wild. The ginseng plants are not fertilized to allow the roots

 to slowly develop over years. While wild simulated ginseng has the potential to

 bring in more income than wood or field cultivated, because there is little crop

 management, the success of the plantings may be more sporadic. 

To up the odds in your favor, be sure to purchase reputable stratified seeds and 

try some test plots. Slugs are the number one reason why first year ginseng

 seedlings fail. Be sure to set slug traps, either homemade or purchased, around

 the plot. Wild American ginseng root prices

Read more at Gardening Know How: Wild Simulated Ginseng Plants: 

How To Grow Wild Simulated Ginseng

  • The pictures below: Roots may increase the purchasing price 10-30% those with higher age, prettier in shape and with a neck longer than 2-4 inches.

  • wild American ginseng root prices

How do you identify wild ginseng

3. The Cleaning Of Wild Ginseng

  • Freshly harvested wild ginseng cannot be stacked together or placed in plastic bags for a long time. If you are planning on drying storage your ginseng, the fresh ginseng should be cleaned the same day.

  • When fresh ginseng roots were stacked together for too long if the temperature is above 40°F, the white inner color could turn to grayish-yellow or reddish-yellow, or even worse: molded.

  • For this reason, cleaning and drying of your freshly harvested wild ginseng in time are very important to ensure its quality and value.

  • Precautions: Fresh ginseng must be stored with proper ventilation.

  • Precautions: Stacking the fresh roots for prolonged periods of time, as shown in the photo below, will result in the spongy inner becoming moldy, yellow-pink, smells bad, and unusable.

  • When cleaning the wild ginseng, do not place them in running water. Instead, we suggest to soak and wash them.

  • Soaking in water for 5-10 seconds each time, repeated the process for 3-4 times in order to wild American ginseng root prices gently remove the dirt.

  • Running water cleaning will decrease the active ingredient from the surface, and also wipe out too much blackish mud color from the skin. As we know, the black color mud in the wrinkles is very important factor in determining the age of wild ginseng. Excessive rinse will make the surface appears so white that looks like non-wild ginseng.

  • At the same time, insufficient cleaning should also be avoided as excess amounts of black mud covered on ginseng roots will also result in a decrease in the purchasing price.  How do you identify wild ginseng

  • The picture below shows unwashed or insufficient washed wild ginseng.

  • There is still a large amount of dark mud left.

  • How do you identify wild ginseng This will affect the purchase price.

  • Picture Below: After soaking too long, then put them into the fridge.

  • The root cracked How do you identify wild ginseng because it was situated with an excessive amount of water.

  • Therefore, result in the quality decrease. How do you identify wild ginseng

  • How do you identify wild ginseng After long soaking, and not drying in time, the plants become molded.

  • This is another factor for value decrease.

  • After washing, the fresh ginseng should be dried promptly.

  • Do not stack them tangle together How do you identify wild ginseng.

  • If it happened that digging caused ginseng root hurt or break, it can’t be directly put into the fridge. Instead, it must be cleaned and dried in the same day.

  • This is the key to keep them from rotten.

  • may be correlated with age, the main roots were used for further
  • Tangential cryo-sectioning of 400 mm sections of samples from 5-
    year-old P. ginseng tissues, How do you identify wild ginseng
  • Followed by densitometric quantitation of
    telomerase activity (in relative units),
  • revealed the highest telomerase
    activity in the cambium and adjacent zones of differentiating secondary xylem (Fig. 4).
  • Analysis of TRF lengths in ginseng of different ages. DNA
    fragments were analyzed through DNA gel blot hybridization
  • using the (CCCTAAA)3 oligonucleotide as a probe. How do you identify wild ginseng
  • A representative
    Southern blot image that was used to quantify TRFs is shown in
    Fig. 5a, b,
  • How do you identify wild ginseng
  • where the hybridization signals represent telomeric
  • The autoradiograph was scanned and imported as a TIFFformat image to measure TRF length. How do you identify wild ginseng
  • The location of the peak
    intensity could not be accurately determined by eye.
  • Therefore, How do you identify wild ginseng an
    easy-to-use system that was able to
  • Determine the distributions of
    telomeric regions based on copy number and calculate statistics was
  • The unbiased TRF measure software Telotool25 was used
    to measure the TRF lengths of ginseng roots.
  • A plot of the relative How do you identify wild ginseng
  • Telomere copy number versus molecular weight was created, which
    provided the user with a realistic picture of the actual distribution of
    telomeric lengths.
  • The measurements of TRF length for each sample How do you identify wild ginseng
  • Southern hybridization was repeated three times. How do you identify wild ginseng
  • We investigated the correlation between TRF length and plant age
  • using P. ginseng samples of known age from Ji’an and Fusong. First,
    DNA fragments were analyzed through Southern hybridization
  • Below picture in the center: Clamp the necks of ginseng roots,

  • Then hang them in a ventilated shade place so as to avoid the neck turns curved and the purchase price can be increased. How do you identify wild ginseng

  • Below picture on the right: With the right way of digging, storage, cleaning, and drying, the inner color looks milky white.

  • It fully preserved the active medical ingredient.

  • Therefore, it brings higher quality and better pricing. (The picture is just for showing the inner sponge form of the nice ginseng.)

Wild American ginseng plant

Transportation of Wild American Ginseng

For the transportation of dried wild ginseng, you need to do so-called double packaging. Two boxes one inside another.

1. Put the dry ginseng (20 – 30lb.) into a smaller box and seal it. How do you identify wild ginseng

2. With some foam packaging material at the bottom of the bigger one, put a smaller box in.

Fill it with more Styrofoam materials, and seal the larger one. Label the box with a “FRAGILE” sticker.

For the transportation of fresh wild ginseng, double packaging is also needed:

3. Put a layer of green moss at the bottom of the shipping box, with the green facing up.

Put the unwashed ginseng in the shipping box on top of the green moss. How do you identify wild ginseng And put another layer of green moss, with the green facing down on top of the ginseng. There should be 2 holes of

1-2 millimeters on the top of the box in order that the hot air inside can goes out and will not suffocate ginseng cells.

But if the holes are too big, ginseng will lose the moisture then gradually goes bad. If you are shipping them with a 35°F cooler, no holes needed.

2. Put the above box into a bigger cardboard box also with suitable ventilation holes.

  • Note: If the temperature is under 65°F, ship the package by UPS overnight service.

  • We pay 10-30% above market average price for those wild ginsengs with the necks more than 2-4 inches (i.e. 20-40 years old). Please also observe all the above process instructions.

  • Below are pictures of the desired ginseng look: The plant with leaves, stem, neck, and lateral roots that all intact.


The Benefits of High Quality Wild American Ginseng and Ganoderma Applanatum to Cancer Therapies

Wild American ginseng can help reduce side effects from chemotherapy and contribute to healthy physical recovery.

Many chemotherapy patients suffer from fatigue, and wild ginseng, a natural energy-booster, has been shown to help.

With its benefits to the immune system, American wild ginseng also aids in inhibiting the effect of cancer cells.

How do you identify wild ginseng is also very therapeutic for a variety of diseases, including elderly insomnia,

chronic cough, and asthma, recurrent colds, chronic anemia, diabetes, infertility, etc.

How do you identify wild ginseng also helps with sexual activeness, myocardial function, liver function, metabolism,

and stress responses from air pollution and noxious stimuli. American wild ginseng is highly valued in health care,

especially in cancer treatment and physical fitness improvement.

The benefits of Wild Ganoderma Applanatum include enhancing the immune system, regulating the central nervous system, How do you identify wild ginseng.

and helping patients recovering from strokes. It is also helpful with insomnia, depression, pollen allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and menopause.

In July of 2001, Fong Lam provided research samples on the effects of Wild American Ginseng and his own ancestral

prescription in treating human breast cancer. The following graphs are from a test conducted by Dr. Laura Murphy, Ph.D.,

and Associate Professor of Physiology at Southern Illinois University. It was found that the wild ginseng can

inhibit the cancer cells, but when combined with the wild ginseng and his own ancestral prescription, the effect can

greatly enhance in inhibiting the cancer cells. So strict distinction between wild ginseng, woods-grown ginseng and field-cultivated ginseng is crucial.


All the above statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). wild American ginseng plant

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease

To maintain the highest quality of American wild ginseng in the world, we need to strictly distinguish woods-grown ginseng and wild ginseng.

The Difference between Wild Ginseng and Woods-Grown Ginseng

Most high quality, older aged wild ginseng roots are thin and lighter in weight. Usually, the fresh wild ginseng root weighs 1-10 grams and the dried wild ginseng root

weighs 0.3-3 grams only. wild american ginseng plant

The Woods-grown one is typically double in size and weight than the wild ginseng.

Woods-grown ginseng tends to have thicker necks, no clear markings on the main root, and more lateral roots (tails).

In some parts of Asia, people mistakenly believed that high-quality wild ginseng roots have to be large in size and heavy in weight.

The following are photos that may help the readers to tell the differences between wild ginseng and woods-grown ginseng.

Fresh wild ginseng- 23 yrs old, 6 grams wild american ginseng plant

Fresh woods-grown ginseng- 10 yrs old, 15 grams

Fresh woods-grown ginseng, 14 yrs old. wild american ginseng plant

Fresh wild ginseng- 20 yrs old

Fresh wild ginseng- 27 yrs old

Left Root is a 9 years old woods-grown ginseng. Right Root is a 27 yrs old dry wild ginseng.

Left Root is a 43 yrs old dry wild ginseng. Right Root is a 10 years old woods-grown ginseng.

Left Root is a 9 years old woods-grown ginseng. Right Root is a 27 yrs old dry wild ginseng.

Left Root is a 23 yrs old dry wild ginseng . Right Root is a 10 years old woods-grown ginseng. wild american ginseng plant

Green Gold at Your Hand – Where is Wild American Ginseng

American wild ginseng naturally grows within 32-47.5 degrees north latitude and 74-97 degrees west longitude,

wild american ginseng plant in the east part of central and north US forest. It grows well at altitudes of 200-1200 meters,

with 5-45 degrees slope and 5-8% sunshine, and fertile humus layer of about 8-10 inches.

The loose soil of the forest is usually black and granular, where the wild ginseng grows in groups.

Thus, if one wild ginseng plant is found, then more plants should be expected nearby.

However, one must be aware that there could be many ‘false wild American ginseng plant surrounding the wild ginseng;

therefore it could be very difficult for an inexperienced person to identify the true wild ginseng plant.

The buds of the ginseng plant will first emerge in mid-April. Unfortunately, about 5-10% of these buds will be damaged

by birds, rabbits, deer, and other animals. These damaged buds will not be able to grow stems and leaves that year.

wild American ginseng plant  Those scars left by the broken buds and leaves indicate the age of ginseng.

In mid-May, the baby plants will grow to about 5 inches high. Between May and August, 10-15% of the ginseng stems

and leaves are eaten by deer, which also leaves some scars. wild American ginseng plant

From August to September, the seeds of the ginseng plant begin to mature and turn red. From the end of September to

mid-October, the wild ginseng stems and leaves start to turn yellow and wither, and new overwintering buds grow.

Every fallen stem and leaf will leave a scar on the neck of ginseng. Each indentation on the neck of the ginseng root

represents one year of age. American wild ginseng has an annual hibernation period of six months and a growth period of 6 months.

With an average growing period of 10-45 years or more, American wild ginseng is rich in active ingredients,

and its quality has been highly rated around the world. American wild ginseng has profound effects on every kind of illness of the human body.

The author has been digging wild ginseng in the same region of Pennsylvania for more than 10 years.

American wild ginseng

The plants are still thriving; however, with continuous harvesting, he has found that each year, there will be about

10-15% less than that previous year.

what does wild ginseng look like
How do you identify wild ginseng
American wild ginseng
wild American ginseng root prices
wild American ginseng plant

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what does wild ginseng look like, How do you identify wild ginseng, American wild ginseng
wild American ginseng root prices, wild American ginseng plant

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